The conference was held in the format of plenary and breakout sessions on topical issues and challenges in the field of robotic systems and security. There were presented about 100 reports. Special attention of the guests and participants enjoyed the roundtables on issues of special and military robotics, educational robotics workshop «Unmanned vehicles with elements of artificial intelligence (AI BTS-2015)», which was successfully held at the conference. Do not remain without attention and the past at the conference meeting of the Scientific Council on Robotics and Mechatronics, dedicated to the development of space robotics.

At the conference, we presented as the plenary and sectional report.

Plenary presentation:

«The study features the scaling size of the group of small mobile robots in the centralized and decentralized methods of control».

The aim of this work was to study the adoption of dependency management decisions, and the volume of information exchange on the parameters of a group of robots in the centralized and decentralized management on the example of a computer and full-scale models of groups of robots.

Section presentation:

«Spherical mobile robot with zero turning radius».

The paper considers the design of the robot with a spherical body. All mechanisms and control system for such a robot are sealed spherical shell that provides them with additional protection and allows the robot to move about as solid surface, and in liquid and viscous media without switching to another mover.

Plenary presentation at the conference